About Us
Business to Business connections is what we acheive
Our Story
2020 certainly did not start the way most business people had been expecting. All of the founders were regular networkers and have seen the benefits over the years. This is our Story.

Keeping people and businesses connected.
Despite the lockdown business goes on and this is how it began
- Our goal was to stay in contact with clients, friends and business contacts throughout the UK during the Covid-19 lockdown, providing a small initial closed group of well known contacts and friends with a weekly place to meet up via Zoom and exchange news, insights and opportunities during the initial few weeks of the Lockdown period in the UK.
- After the first few calls, some members of the group began to invite one or two other friends and contacts to join us and meet all of the others who they did not already know to tell them who they were and what they did in their business.
- Really tangible end results began to materialise very quickly as members of the group followed up with each other after a call to exchange details and talk about a product or service they needed which one of the members in the group could provide them with.
- We have grown in numbers through our weekly Zoom meetings and our sharing of knowledge within the group.
Companies love our networking
From Wedding Venue to Wine, a wide diversity of members.
'Derek runs such a great on line networking group. It is so relaxed and The people make the group all so pleasant. It is great as people naturally do business with each other from the group. It’s also fun and informative.' - Claire Jean Juviniere